Federal Reserve Bank Note (National Currency Stock)  - Series 1929

 Governor: Calkins  Order Added to Collection: 90
 Cashier: Hale  Front Plate: F238
 Terms of Office: ???  Back Plate: 358
 Delivery Date Start: 03/11/33  Serial Number: L00166824A
 Delivery Date End: 01/11/34
 Notes: FRBN were issued by the Federal Reserve Banks as a way to relieve the depression. RARE BILL IN COLLECTION
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USN 1928 Front


USN 1928 Back

Federal Reserve Bank Notes were printed on National Currency and Silver Certificate stock.  The Bank President and Casier where often blacked out.

 Title  Name  Service Dates  Autograph
 Cashier  William Morrell Hale  ??? tate
 Governor  John Uberto Calkins ??? mellon
 Register  Edward Everett Jones  1/22/1929 - 5/31/1933 jones
 Treasurer  Walter Orr Woods  1/18/1929 - 5/31/1933 woods